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2 femmes voilées avec un petite fille souriant

By Sayaspora

Welcome to the 5th and final stage of Impactful conversations!

As women of the African diaspora, wherever we come from, respect for our elders is undoubtedly a shared value.

To bring the season to a close, we wanted to revisit the themes we’ve been discussing with you, but this time through the eyes of women from the generation that preceded us. In case you missed it, here’s a compilation of our Intergenerational conversations! This article looks at some of the highlights, but if you want to make up your own mind, we invite you to watch the video capsule and the associated podcast episode and share your thoughts with us!

When I arrived here in 2011 as a foreign student we weren’t allowed to work…”

In this video, we hear from Bibisha and Sandrine, two women who arrived in Quebec long before we did!

They compare their experiences as newcomers and highlight the changes they’ve perceived in Montreal society, on subjects such as employment, the sense of belonging and how to educate the next generation.

You’ll probably have your say on the matter, we expect it in comments😊


“Our actions today will determine the realities our children will experience!”

The event organized on the subject provided an opportunity for particularly valuable exchanges, not least because it’s a rare occasion for different generations to meet. What’s more, it’s often difficult for us in families of African origin to talk frankly about sensitive subjects.

This event made this space possible. It was an opportunity to question not only the social issues we had planned to tackle, but even more, the reasons why there is currently no place to debate them…



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