Event: Diaspora Speaking II

The SAYASPORA Team invites you on September 30, 2017 from 6pm to 10pm, to the Second Edition of its annual event: DIASPORA SPEAKING. This event aims to highlight the challenges as well as the achievements of young people from the African Diaspora.

During this evening, we aim to create a space for learning and discovery, where constructive exchanges can flourish.


Man animates a conference at the Diaspora Speaking event


Very often, the African continent and its diaspora are identified as two totally opposed entities, with good reason: they live different realities. While this may be partly true, it obscures the historical links between the continent and its diaspora, as well as the ongoing efforts on both sides to bridge the gap created by history. In this second edition, we explore the links between the African diaspora and the continent, and ask how the diaspora can stay in touch with the realities of the continent, while avoiding the neglect of privilege and a utopian vision of the continent.

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