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Self care

By Sayaspora

Have you ever experienced that nagging voice in your head, urging you to stick to what you know, while simultaneously making you feel like a fraud? This internal struggle often combines limiting beliefs with imposter syndrome. For most of us, these disparities are contributed by factors our peers might not understand. It’s crucial to remember that you deserve to leverage your expertise and eliminate imposter syndrome.

You may grapple with limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome due to various factors that differ from their counterparts. Additionally, you may have felt isolated due to being an immigrant or a first-generation immigrant. You may as well have experienced systemic discrimination. These challenges can lead you to stick to familiar territory and not take risks, especially if you’ve seen similar behavior in your parents. Consequently, these experiences can foster imposter syndrome when you’re presented with opportunities that are rightfully yours.

Confronting internal limiting beliefs in your career journey can be challenging as it requires stepping out of your comfort zone.

Despite the internal struggle with limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome, it’s essential to recognize that you deserve every opportunity in your adoptive country. You may find yourself torn between proving your worth and holding back. Nonetheless, acquiring transferable skills and leveraging your expertise are vital steps toward advancing your career. This approach allows you to achieve significant milestones without remaining stagnant in one job for years. Our immigrant parents made sacrifices in their careers so that we could have more opportunities. Embrace the vast array of career possibilities available to you. The world of career and unending opportunities is your oyster.

Once you’ve strengthened your skills and professional experience, it becomes easier to tackle imposter syndrome. This phenomenon occurs when you feel like a fraud in your field of expertise or a new field which you are trying to explore. As a woman, particularly an African woman in the diaspora, your contributions may have been undervalued. Moreover, you may have faced limitations, misunderstanding, and discrimination either directly or indirectly. These experiences can mitigate feelings of inadequacy and impostors. However, by focusing on expanding your transferable skills and deepening your expertise, you can bolster your confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.

Take the time to reflect on all that you have accomplished, both big and small.

Confronting internal limiting beliefs in your career journey can be challenging as it requires stepping out of your comfort zone. However, change is attainable through the following steps:

  • Cultivate expertise through consistent practice and seek constructive feedback.
  • Engage in consistent practice that paves the way for mastery in any field. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Additionally, welcome constructive feedback with an open mind, for it offers valuable insights that can further refine your abilities.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments to reaffirm your self-worth.

Recognize and celebrate your achievements as a powerful way to boost your self-esteem and reaffirm your value. Take the time to reflect on all that you have accomplished, both big and small. By acknowledging your accomplishments, you are not only recognizing your efforts but also building the confidence to tackle future challenges with a positive mindset.

  • Network with professionals across various industries and participate in both virtual and in-person seminars.

By seeking mentorship […], you open yourself up to a world of knowledge, guidance, and support.

Engaging with professionals from diverse industries can broaden your perspective and open new opportunities for collaboration and growth. By actively participating in virtual and in-person seminars, you can stay updated on the latest trends, exchange knowledge, and build a strong professional network.

  • Seek mentorship from individuals who have excelled or mastered your subject of interest.

By seeking mentorship from individuals who have excelled or mastered your subject of interest, you open yourself up to a world of knowledge, guidance, and support. A mentor can provide valuable insights, share their experiences, and offer advice that can help you navigate challenges and reach your goals more efficiently. Additionally, having a mentor can also provide you with motivation, accountability, and a different perspective on your journey towards mastery.

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