October 11, 2019

By Sayaspora
Diaspora Speaking: An online and offline festival on mental health in the African diaspora.
Diaspora Speaking is back for a third edition, this time in the form of an online and offline festival.
Originally created as a space to celebrate the interconnections between the continent and its diaspora while highlighting the different achievements of youth stemming from the African diaspora; this new edition will take a different turn. This year, we are placing the theme of mental health at the forefront of our priorities and we’re using our media platform to highlight a subject that is still taboo in the diaspora, and on the continent. During one week, we will cover subjects such as wellness, therapy, education and much more on our social media: @sayaspora [Instagram, Facebook, Twitter]; and on October 26, we will close the festival with an IRL event.
| Oct. 20 – 1pm to 2pm | Let’s talk about mental health! – Online conversation.
For this conversation, we would like to open a discussion on both sides of the Atlantic. From Montreal to Paris, how do we conceive of our mental health? What are the preconceived ideas? Is it easy to really take care of yourself? Attend the conversation between our speakers in Paris and Montreal. This conversation will be in French, in the form of a direct Instagram story @sayaspora
| Oct. 20-26 | She writes
Every day, in our social media, we will share with you an article on mental health written by one of our writers from Morocco, Cameroon, Burundi, Haiti and more.
Oct. 20-26 || #HowsLifeGoing – Media campaign.
Mental health: What do young women in the African diaspora think about it?
| Oct. 26th from 6pm to 9pm | How’s life going? – Event.
In order to destigmatize therapy sessions and the search for help in order to better our mental health, this evening will take the form of a “public therapy” session. Accompanied by moments of networking, music and food service. Make sure to join us! Free event, mandatory RSVP : www.facebook.com/events/403880677195684/
We look forward to learning, sharing and discovering with you. Let us put this subject that concerns us all on the agenda. It’s time to make our voices heard: Hello world, it’s the DIASPORA SPEAKING!
This festival was made possible thanks to Dar Al Maghrib Moroccan Cultural Centre, as well as the support of l’Épistolière – Service conseil en rédaction professionnelle, gestion de projet et renforcement organisationnel.